From the Secondary Principal’s Desk
Dear BAIS Community,
By the time you read this, Student-Led Conferences (SLC) will be underway or will have been completed. Over the past month, I have had a few conversations with parents where they asked, “Why does BAIS have students complete Student-Led Conferences?” I am pleased to make a list of reasons that I hope will be a satisfying answer to the aforementioned question.
- SLC provide an opportunity for students to create their own SMART goals at the beginning of the school year. Research has show when students have the independence to choose their own goals, they are more likely to achieve them. Students are more in control of their learning. They feel empowered!
- With their goals set, students can make a collection of learning artifacts that demonstrate growth toward the goals. At SLC, parents can expect that not every goal will be met. This is not a cause for concern. What is important is the process of goal setting, being able to document and justify growth toward the goals, and being able to communicate ways growth occurred and, perhaps, why a goal was not met. They own the growth!
- Through this process students learn constructive self-assessment. Students reflect on their work, discuss non-academic behaviors such as time-management, organization, participation in class, and work-ethic. In so doing, they learn to develop a healthy, constructive lens to view their achievement. How am I doing? What did I do well in? What did I enjoy the most? What was I passionate about? These are all questions that students should be able to answer well during the SLC. Self-assessment is a life-skill they will continue developing beyond the SLC.
- Important communication skills are honed. Through this entire process students practice and grow in their ability communicate. Public speaking and presentation skills are developed through this process which benefits the student’s professional and personal life. This is also a great opportunity to hear from teenagers who are sometimes hesitant or have few opportunities to discuss personal, academic, and spiritual growth with their parents.
Personally, I am really excited about Student-Led Conferences. In terms of school improvement, I know that our students grow more by completing this process compared to a more accidental approach to the school year. If you have constructive feedback about SLC, do not hesitate to email or set up an appointment. I am eager to hear all you have to stay.
Mr. Jeremy Thomas
Secondary Principal
Library News
All library materials (books and DVDs), must be returned by May 26, 2017. Library will not be checking out books and other materials starting May 22, 2017 except for classroom usage.
You can check if you still have some books checked out by logging in to You can email me at, to get your login information.
Thank you.
Athletic News
Sports Awards
Monday, May 15, 2017 at 4pm in the MPR.
Wear your personalized team jersey. If you don’t have one, wear a jersey that represents your sport.
BAIS’thletes — please return all BAIS (non-personalized) uniforms to Bu Dias ASAP.
We are still missing soccer and basketball uniforms.
Thank you!
Brazilian Soccer School (BSS)
Concludes season 3 next week Wednesday, May 17th.
Thanks for participating throughout the year!
After School Activities
All after-school activities will conclude next week, unless otherwise specified by activity sponsors.
Passionate about sports? Want to be used by God to invest in the lives of our BAIS’thletes?
Then submit this coaching application form by Monday, May 15!
Interviews will be held within the next two weeks.
IISSAC Soccer 2017
Congratulations to our new Girls Soccer Head Coach Ms. Kegerreis!
Boys Soccer Head Coach Mr. Julian is returning for another season with BAIS Athletics. YAY!
SOCCER informational meeting — Interested BAIS’thletes should attend.
Wednesday, May 24 during secondary lunch. See you on the pitch!
Contact coaches for more info: OR
Email us at We want to hear from you!
- Sports awards: it’s preparation & a successful & FUN execution!
- BAIS’thletes: to end strong through AP testing, finals, upcoming transitions & goodbyes
- Future coaches: to be God-fearing, loving & driven to invest in the athletic & Christian development of our BAIS’thletes
- Future AD: able to lead well & delegate accordingly, fresh with ideas & with a great vision to take BAIS Athletics & Activities to new heights!
- Smooth wrap-up of all athletic & activities year end responsibilities
- Hosting IISSAC Swim 2018. WOO HOO!
Ms. Linnette Vasquez
Athletic Director
College Acceptance Update
Congratulation to Ricky Toh for his acceptance to Stanford University.
Download this issue as PDF: Issue 32: 12 May, 2017 – English