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BAIS Buzz, November 17th, 2023

From the School Counselor

Join BAIS and Lauren Wells, CEO of TCK Training, for expert advice on caring well for Third Culture Kids (TCKs). This will be great for parents, teachers, and caregivers that are invested in the lives of TCKs*!  Click here for more information and to register!

*Please note – if a child attends BAIS, even if they are Indonesian, they likely fit into the category of TCK. They are learning and growing up in a culture that is different from their parents. With this in mind, we believe that all students at BAIS fit into the TCK category!

In this Issue

Important Dates


USA Thanksgiving (NO SCHOOL)



SAT Test


Annual Report Parent Meeting


Schoolwide Christmas Chapel/Potluck P7-P8


Christmas Concert

Drama Dept. News

Dear BAIS Drama Enthusiasts,

The BAIS Drama Department is thrilled about this year’s production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the  musical. We would like to invite you to partner with us on this enchanting journey and help us reach new heights in our theatrical productions. To achieve our ambitious vision, we need your support.
Departemen Drama BAIS dengan antusias mempersembahkan drama musikal The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Kami mengundang Anda untuk bergandengan tangan bersama kami melangkah untuk meraih babak baru sajian drama yang kami produksi. Dukungan Anda sangat kami hargai.

Why Become a Patron of the Arts?
Alasan Menjadi Pendukung Karya Seni?

Your patronage will help us secure a grand stage in Bandung for a special Saturday matinee performance. This stage will elevate our production and provide the perfect backdrop for an extraordinary experience. Your support will make a significant difference. It signifies your belief in the power of performing arts and will help bring our vision to life. By becoming a patron, you become a creative partner and share in the pride of making this enchanting matinee performance a reality.
Dukungan Anda dapat membantu tim drama kami tampil di hari Sabtu siang pada tanggal yang telah ditentukan di panggung besar di kota Bandung kami. Pengalaman luar biasa tersebut dapat me meningkatkan pertunjukan drama kami dengan “backdrop” yang sempurna. Dukungan Anda akan membuat perbedaan yang signifikan. Tanda keyakinan Anda pada kekuatan seni pertunjukan dan perwujudan visi kami. Dengan menjadi pendukung pertunjukan ini, Anda telah menjadi rekan karya kreatif dan berbagi kebanggaan terlaksananya pertunjukan luar biasa ini.

To confirm your patronage or to learn more about how you can further support us, please feel free to contact us at melissahall@baisedu.org. Your involvement is invaluable and highly appreciated.
Untuk menjadi pendukung atau untuk informasi lebih lengkap silahkan hubungi kami melalui email melissahall@baisedu.org. Dukungan Anda sangat berharga bagi kami.

Join us on this exciting journey and help make magic happen on the stage. Become a Patron of the Arts and be part of an enchanting production.
Bergabunglah bersama kami sebagai pendukung karya seni dalam langkah luar biasa ini dan mewujudkan keajaiban di atas panggung.


Elizabeth LaMertha, Drama Director 

Drama Patronage

House Circle – Rp 8 juta
  • One full-page A5 business advertisement or individual dedication in the playbill

Satu halaman penuh A5 iklan atau kolom pesan untuk salah seorang pemeran

  • May open a product give away booth for the 3 days of the production at BAIS (as requested)

Booth give away produk selama 3 hari pertunjukan di BAIS (sesuai permintaan)

  • Your business logo printed on all advertisements

  Logo bisnis Anda tercetak di semua media iklan

  • Your name (business logo/personal name) listed on the patronage page and recognition each night during the opening curtain speech

Logo bisnis/nama Anda tercantum di halaman sponsor dan akan disebutkan dalam setiap pembukaan pertunjukan

  • Receive 4 free tickets to the play

4 tiket gratis untuk pertunjukan 

Director’s Circle – Rp 4 juta
  • A half-page A7 business advertisement or dedication in the playbill

            Iklan ukuran 7,4 x 10,5 cm atau kolom pesan untuk salah seorang pemeran

  • Your business logo printed on all advertisements

Logo bisnis Anda tercetak di semua media iklan

  • Your name (business logo/personal name) listed on the patronage page

Logo bisnis/nama Anda tercantum di halaman sponsor

  • Receive 2 free tickets to the play

2 tiket gratis untuk pertunjukan

Lead Actor – Rp 2 juta
  • A quarter-page A9 business advertisement or dedication in the playbill

            Iklan ukuran 3,7 x 5,2 cm atau kolom pesan untuk salah seorang pemeran

  • Your name (business logo/personal name) listed on the patronage page

           Logo bisnis/nama Anda tercantum di halaman sponsor

  • Receive 1 free ticket to the play

           1 tiket gratis untuk pertunjukan 

Supporting Actor – Rp 750,000
  • Your name (business logo/personal name) listed on the patronage page

            Logo bisnis/nama Anda tercantum di halaman sponsor

From the Music Dept

Hi BAIS families, help the BAIS music department create a beautiful setting for the Christmas concert by purchasing a poinsettia! The money raised from this fundraiser will be used to support the BAIS music class to purchase new music stands and instruments.

The poinsettias that you purchase will be available to pick up after the Christmas Concert on December 15, 2023. Poinsettias are Rp. 50,000 each and here is the link to the Google form ChristmasPoinsettia

Instructions for Payment


Please bring this invoice with the exact amount of cash to the business office.


Please include the reason for payment and the name of the student if possible. Send a screenshot or proof of payment to finance@baisedu.org 


Branch: Kota Baru

Acct Name: Yayasan Sekolah Persekutuan Bandung International

Acct #: 800-133-798-100

Note: Poinsettia {{Your Name}}

After you submit this form, you will receive an invoice. Orders close December 1, 2023. Only poinsettias that have been paid for by December 1 will be purchased, so please make sure you have paid the finance office.

Thank you very much for the support, we really appreciate it.

Christmas Concert

On 15 December at 03:45 PM we will have the Christmas concert in the MPR and here is the rundown:

03:15 PM – students need to be in the assigned room with their concert clothing on and ready for vocal warm-ups:

Elementary Students – Music Room

8th grade/HS – 5th Grade Room – NO DEVICES ALLOWED

03:45 PM: Concert starts

All students need to go back to the waiting rooms after they perform and they can watch other performances from the TVs provided in the waiting rooms.

Here is the dress code for the Christmas concert:

  1. Button up shirt, polo shirt, blouse or dress in RED / GREEN / WHITE (NO T-SHIRT) and batik scarfs (students will get the scarfs in the waiting rooms).
  2. Dark long pants or skirt (NO JEANS). Skirt or dress length needs to come to the top of the knee or below the knee.
  3. Dark shoes
  4. Optional: Christmas accessories (reindeer hair band, elf hat, etc). 

Pre-K students do not have to wear any Christmas accessories, since I will provide them.

Students will not be wearing masks during the performance, but if any of the parents want their kids to still wear masks, please let me know.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much for the cooperation and for supporting the Christmas concert.



BAIS Marketing - Swag


Due to the popular demand of our new BAIS SWAG, we are going to be placing another order! If you want to get a tshirt for someone for Christmas, or to wear to support our teams, order HERE! (Don’t forget you will need to log in with your BAIS family or staff email address) 

The order form will be closed on Nov 26 in order to receive the shipment before Christmas break.

All T-shirts are Rp 100.000 each

All hoodies are Rp 200.000 each

Thank you!

BAIS Marketing Department

PS – the t-shirts fit a little on the small size so you might want to go a size up if you are on the edge of one size.