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BAIS Buzz, October 20th, 2023

From the Director's Desk

The Network of International Christian Schools

Having just returned back to Indonesia from meetings in the U.S. with leaders from the Network of Christian Schools (NICS), I am greatly encouraged and excited about the future of the network. There is a real focus right now on cultivating a collaborative atmosphere between our network schools (there are 12 around the world). This excites me as it gives our teachers and staff access to the wisdom and expertise of many others around the world. This year’s conference focused on well-being for both leaders and each school’s constituents. One of the goals was to continue to think about how we as a school can make well-being part of the DNA of our school. I am incredibly grateful for the staff at BAIS and the care that they show towards one another, our children, and our families. I believe that this is one of our strengths, but it is not something that we are taking for granted. In fact, we continue to have conversations around how we can continue to elevate and cultivate a caring, compassionate environment for all. 

Some of you may wonder what other benefits we as a school get from being a part of the network? Some of the key benefits revolve around recruiting and onboarding. NICS screens all candidates (literally thousands in a year) to make sure that they align with our biblical standards and beliefs. They also screen for quality and fit. In addition, this year, NICS has provided BAIS with a subscription to the International School Services which is one of two major recruiting systems for international schools. This will give us access to thousands of more candidates. Secondly, all overseas direct hires attend a pre-field orientation called IMPACT. At IMPACT, teachers and their families are prepared for the challenges of moving overseas and living in a new culture. This time is also spent continuing to make sure that teachers are unified in the mission and vision of our schools. Finally, one other way that NICS supports our schools is by providing all of our teachers, staff and volunteers with Child Safety training. This is a practical way that the network supports us in our endeavors to ensure that our school is a center of safety and well-being for our children. These are just a few of the reasons we are thankful to be a part of the network!

Mr. Julian

BAIS Director

In this Issue

Important Dates


NMSQT/PSAT Test (11th Grade)


Pep Rally







Grades Updated on PS

Parent Teacher Conferences (3:00pm-7:00pm)

Parent Teacher Conferences/No School (8:00am-12:00pm)

Intent to Return Reminder

We wanted to remind you that Intent to Return is due by 10 November 2023. We ask that you take 2 minutes to fill out the form.

We want to emphasize that the information you provide on this form will have no bearing on your child’s reputation or academic performance. Our commitment to confidentiality extends to every response we receive. The primary purpose of this form is to better understand your plans for the coming year, so that we can plan accordingly. Your trust in us is paramount, and we take the responsibility of safeguarding your information seriously. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we work together to ensure the best possible educational experience for your child.

The fee schedule for Re-Enrollment will be as follows:

  • 26 January 2024 – Re-Enrollment fee due – this fee will reserve your child’s seat for the coming school year
  • 22 March 2024 – Early Bird Deadline
  • Tuition and Fees payment completed before first day of classes for the 2024-2025 school year

Thank you

Pengingat untuk pengisian Intent to Return paling lambat tanggal 10 November 2023. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengisi formulir ini hanya 2 menit.

Pengisian formulir ini tidak akan berpengaruh apapun pada penilaian akademis putra dan putri Anda dan kami menjaga kerahasiaan jawaban yang Anda berikan.  Tujuan pengisian formulir ini adalah agar kami dapat membuat perencanaan yang lebih baik untuk tahun ajaran mendatang. Kami sangat menghargai kepercayaan Anda pada kami, oleh karena itu kami sangat  menjaga kerahasiaan semua informasi yang Anda berikan. Untuk pertanyaan dan penjelasan lebih lanjut, kami persilahkan Anda untuk menghubungi kami.  Kami sangat berterima kasih atas dukungan  yang Anda berikan demi pendidikan terbaik bagi putra putri Anda.

Jadwal pembayaran Daftar Ulang adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Pembayaran daftar ulang paling lambat tanggal 26 Januari 2024
  • Pembayaran awal uang sekolah (dengan potongan) paling lambat tanggal 22 Maret 2024 
  • Pelunasan uang sekolah paling lambat sebelum hari pertama tahun ajaran 2024-2025 

Terima kasih!

BAIS Spirit Week

Next week is Spirit Week! See the images below for the themes for each day!

Information about Parent Teacher Conferences

We’re excited to let you know that our Parent-Teacher Conferences:


The elementary team has arranged specific time slots for each family to meet with your child’s teacher. We’ve also tried to be considerate of siblings who are in elementary classes. You’ll find the date and time for your conference in your child’s Friday folder, which is coming home with them today.


For secondary conferences, you can drop by at any time that works best for you to meet with your child’s teacher. There’s no need to worry about pre-assigned slots.

We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Parent-Teacher Conferences. It’s a great opportunity for us to discuss your child’s progress and answer any questions you may have.

Warm regards,

BAIS Administrator