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From the Director’s Desk

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year at BAIS! We are so glad that you are part of our community and we are looking forward to the time we get to spend with your family. Parents, we are excited to partner with you to teach your children.

We are so thankful for our parent volunteers each year so I just want to take a moment to introduce a few of them.

PACE Coordinator – Soesanti Oeij

Directors Advisory Council

This year our theme is “Body Building 220” which is derived from Ephesians 2:19-21. The focus is building up our community in the truth as found in Scripture. Please pray for our school as we work through this important biblical concept.

Additionally, we are having a technology focus introducing a Bring Your Own Device policy in grades 9-12, as well as each elementary classroom being supplied with 5 iPads or Chromebooks. Our focus this year is to take advantage of the amazing technology available to us and use it to improve student learning through differentiation.

As always, we are excited to begin this school year and see students grow in Biblical Application, Active Living and Learning, Innovative and Informed Thinking, and Social Responsibility.
To God be the Glory!

Karl Nielsen
BAIS Director

From the Secondary Principal

Hand writing Bring Your Own Device with white chalk on blackboard.It has been an amazing first six days of school! BAIS is a school like no other in our commitment to curriculum, our passionate teachers, and above all, our fervor for demonstrating the love of Christ to students.

We have launched our 9-12 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative successfully in order to provide students myriad opportunities to engage in and extend their learning. Our middle schoolers, especially our 6th grade students, successfully navigated passing times and new schedules. All students have their lockers and locks!

I want to thank the secondary students for the warm welcome and for doing a fantastic job during these first six days! Thursday during chapel I had the opportunity to discuss the English Only Policy (EOP), hand phone policy, and dress code. It is our hope that this discussion prevents misunderstanding about the application of policy and improves overall school safety.

I look forward to our continued partnership and sincerely thank you for allowing BAIS the privilege and responsibility to teach your children!

Mr. Thomas
Secondary Principal


We would like to introduce the PACE members for this academic year:




Thank you for your willingness to be PACE Member. Let’s work together and have fun. God bless!

PACE Coordinator
Soesanti Oeij

Good with graphics?

Help us create our 2016-2017 IISSAC Soccer T-Shirt!

Sign up for our T-Shirt Design Competition with Ms. Hall. All designs must be turned in by Wednesday, August 31st. A school-wide vote will determine our winning design which will become the official 2016-2017 IISSAC Soccer shirt! We look forward to seeing your creations 🙂

Ms. Linnette Vasquez
Athletics & Activities Director


sound-of-musicDear Parents and Secondary Performers,

The Sound of Music is a beautiful, cherished, crowd-favorite musical, and I am so excited to work with our BAIS community to put on this production. This production provides performing options for anyone who would like to perform, no matter their age, their singing ability (or lack of ability), or time commitment restraints. If you would like to perform in The Sound of Music, there is a spot for you. If you did not get an audition packet from Ms. LaMertha today, please make sure to pick one up on Monday.

Dear Parents and Elementary Performers,

The Sound of Music has a few roles for elementary students and an opportunity to be part of a singing ensemble. Please have your son/daughter fill out the audition application and return it to his/her classroom teacher. I will get the application from the teacher. If your son/daughter did not bring home an audition application today, please email me at elizabethlamertha@baisedu.org, and I will send one home on Monday. If you have any questions, please feel free to come talk with me or email me.

I’m looking forward to an amazing production year,
Ms. Beth LaMertha

After School Basketball Program

Hello BAIS Family,

I will be teaching/ coaching both the Middle School and Elementary After School Basketball Program. The information is listed out below!

bballFor the Middle School After School Basketball, practice will be on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at 3:30 to 5:00 pm. The students can sign up on the forms posted on the Athletic Bulletin board. Students must complete and turn in the Physical Exam Forms by the first practice. The students will not be allowed to practice without a Physical Exam form completed and turned in. The 1st Day of the program will start August 29th, Monday and continue until October 18, Tuesday.

The Elementary After School Basketball Program will be on Tuesdays and Fridays, starting at 2:45 pm to 3:30 pm for the following grades: 1st to 5th grade. The club will run for 1 hour and 15 minutes, thus ending at 3:30 pm. Ensure that arrangements are made for your child to get home safely and picked up at 3:30 pm. There will also be a limit to the number of participants, 20 spots available for this school year. I will accept students on a “first come, first serve”. So, the first 20 students who sign up next week will be accepted into the program. If you would like your child to attend, please complete, detach, and return the signed consent slip, as well as the Physical Exam forms as soon as possible.

For returning the Consent Slip and Physical Exams forms; bring both papers to the Front Lobby at 2:45 pm to 3:30 pm, this coming Monday and Tuesday (August 22 and 23). I will be there to receive the completed forms and sign your son/daughter up for the program.

**Please bring all paperwork to Ms. Fulwood on those two days (August 22 and 23); NO Elementary classroom teachers or the Front Office Staff will be collecting the forms. If it is not given directly to me, it will not be accepted. The 1st day of the Elementary After School program will start next Friday, August 26, 2016. The program will run until Friday, October 14, 2016.

If there are any possible changes to the dates and times regarding the Middle School and Elementary program, all parents/ guardians/ students will be notified in advance via email, phone, or letter. And please do not hesitate to contact me at school if I can be of any further help. I can be best reached by my email address atjamiefulwood@baisedu.org

Best Wishes and Blessings,
Ms. Jamie Fulwood BAIS
Physical Education Teacher and Basketball Coach

Download: Issue 01: August 19, 2016

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