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From Technology Department

Hello! Welcome to the 21-22 school year from the BAIS Tech Department. As we navigate online schooling, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with some basic information that will help your student to have a smooth and successful experience.

We are here to help you with any tech issues that you may be facing and would love to brainstorm ideas for your homes to alleviate connectivity issues.  So, if you want to schedule a time to chat with us, then please email it@baisedu.org

Thank you, 

BAIS Tech Department

Battle of Books

Secondary students are invited to start reading for Battle of the Books! 

More info coming soon. 

  1. Rose, Darlene Diebler. Evidence Not Seen
  2. Adams, Richard. Watership Down
  3. First Samuel from the Bible
  4. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein
  5. Warren, Andrea. Escape from Saigon
  6. Voigt, Cynthia. Dicey’s Song
  7. L’Engle, Madeline. A Wrinkle in Time
  8. Lewis, C. S. The Silver Chair
  9. Sachar, Holes10.   Klavan, If We Survive

Dear parents,

Every year BAIS updates passport and KITAS information for parents and students. It’s required that we have all the documents on file for all students and parents. For Indonesian citizens, if the students have a passport, please send both a copy of their Birth Certificate and their passport. If the student does not have a passport, please send a copy of their birth certificate (for any of you that have not submitted). 

Thank you for your understanding, we would like to have the documents no later than August 31st. Please contact Ibu Sri or Ibu Leony (info@baisedu.org) if you have questions.

Have a blessed weekend.

Front Office

American Mathematics Olympiad

Hi mathematic fans,

I would like to announce an exciting Math opportunity,

When: November 4, 2021
Who: Grades 2-12
Where: Online
Latest Registration: October 21, 2021
Fee: Rp 250,000 /student


Platform:  Zoom and other (OCS – Online Contest System


If there are any question please contact Ms. Maria (priscillamaria@baisedu.org)

Roles have been offered! Please check Schoology for your role invitation and return it before Monday. All announcements and updates will be made through Schoology this year along with all the links for the music and script. Drama practice will officially begin Sept 1 at 4:00. We look forward to seeing you then!

After School Activities

Dear Community,

Ms. Dias and I are very excited to have identified a few activities that students can be involved with after school.

Here are the options:

Build to GiveThe BAIS Times
Grade 6th-12thGrade 9th-12th
When: Fridays,  2:45 – 3:30 PM
Where: Gmeet/Zoom
Cost: –
This club enables students to reach their full potential by learning how to engage in serving their community through teamwork. Students will also attain applicable life skills, professional experience, and learn how to be Christ-like examples of servanthood. 
When: TBD
Where: Gmeet/Zoom
Cost: –
The BAIS Times will be accepting new club members until August 30th. After this date, the club will no longer accept late applications. If you are a high school student and are interested in journalism, photography, or graphic design, the BAIS Times could be a great choice for you. Please email Emily Stanford or Clarine Tantowi for more information.
Yoga  w/ Mega PurnomoAme Art, Drawing and Craft Club
HS-AdultGrade 1 – 6th
When: Tuesdays,  4:00 – 4:55 PM
Where:  Gmeet/Zoom
Cost: 50.000/meet
Yoga is an excellent exercise for students and parents so that they can have healthier bodies and strengthen their muscles, create greater flexibility, and thus have a clearer mind as yoga also calms their emotions. 
When: Friday, 2:45 – 3:30 PM
Where: Gmeet/Zoom
Cost: 80.000/meet
Ame art Teacher
This club will help students develop creativity and art skills by focusing on animation drawing and encourage them to be creative and use their imaginations more confidently.
Robotic ExplorerRobotics: Mechanics, Electronics, Computer
Grade 1st-5thGrade 6th-12th
When: TBD, 3:00 – 3:00 PM
Where: Gmeet/Zoom
Cost: See list below
Using the power of imagination and creativity, develops motor and cognitive skills while allowing students the freedom to experiment and be innovative. E-certificate will be given after finishing all courses.
Grade 1st – 2nd: Re-BoT Walker and Tirex Bot. (include Kit, Video, Modul and 4x time meeting for 60 minutes)
Rp 605.000
Grade 3rd – 5th: RE-BoT Computing 3. (included kit, video, modul, and live teaching 12x meeting for 60 minute. Rp1.260.000
When: Fridays,  2:45 – 3:30 PM
Where:  Gmeet/Zoom
Cost: Rp 1.540.000
Students will have 12 sessions using the power of imagination and creativity. Students will develop motor and cognitive skills while having the freedom to experiment and be innovative. Students will need to purchase the RE-BoT Mobile 3, which includes the kit, module, video, and twelve teaching sessions that last sixty minutes. 
Indonesian Language  w/ Ibu Yohana
Grade K-5
When: Monday & Thursday, 3:05 – 3:30 PM
Where: Gmeet/Zoom
Cost: Rp. 100.000
A beginner and an intermediate class is open to the first six students of each level. For students who have not been in Indonesian class during school or in the Indonesian Language club before, they will need to take a test in Bahasa Indonesia Class to know whether to start at the beginner or intermediate level.

If you are interested in signing up for any of these after school activities, please contact Hani Ramappa at hani@baisedu.org or Ms. Dias at diasnatalia@baisedu.org.

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