From the Secondary Principal’s Desk
At BAIS there are always unique classroom lessons I get to see first-hand when I observe teachers and students. Yesterday I was able to visit Mr. Ernsberger’s high school Physics class while they worked through a lab focused on investigating mechanical energy conservation and discovering Hooke’s Law. Enjoy some pictures from the lab:
In addition to the physics lab, I’ve seen 9th grade students eating edible animal cells enabling them to better understand the location and function of each part of the cell. Transition to College Math and Statistics students are working through a research project related to the benefits of school starting later in the morning and improving the alignment of the school schedule with the sleep rhythms of teenagers. Mr. Squier’s Computer 7 class has been progressing through some complicated coding and programming assignments. Mr. Julian’s Western Civilization students have been collaborating through a civilization simulation game. I’ve also seen 12th grade Worldview & Apologetics student practicing communication skills in situations where they can be compassionate and loving even while disagreeing with other perspectives. There is so much engagement and learning happening in BAIS classrooms and we would love for you to see it! Please register here to come to the Parent-Visit day at BAIS on October 11th. You may come for the entire day or select which classes you prefer to see.
October 12th marks the end of the first quarter at BAIS! Grades will be updated and ready for viewing in PowerSchool on October 19th. In addition to grades, each teacher will provide a narrative comment for each student explaining strengths and areas of growth. If you are not able to login to PowerSchool as a parent, you may email Mr. Ramappa to set up an appointment. You might also have your student show you their first quarter grades on October 19. This grade is a “progress report” score, meaning the scores will continue to be adjusted through the second quarter. To calculate the final S1 (Semester 1) grade, the T1 (Term 1) average is weighted at 80% and the E1 (Exam 1) is weighted at 20%.
There are two key events in the coming weeks I would like to bring your attention to. The first is the PSAT for 11th grade students on Wednesday, October 10th. Even though it is a late-start day, all 11th grade students must be at school and ready to begin the test at 7:45 in the MPR. For United States citizens, this test qualifies them for National Merit Scholarships and awards. All students are able to take their PSAT results, link them to Khan Academy, and receive individualized and targeted practice in order to improve their scores on the actual SAT. This is a new, completely free service offered in partnership between CollegeBoard and Khan Academy.
Additionally, BAIS will host a guest speaker on the evening of Friday, October 19. Ron Lilley is the director of Bali Snake Rescue. His organization is called on when the habitats of snakes conflict with domiciles in Bali. I am pleased that he will speaking and giving demonstrations in elementary and secondary science classes during the day. On Friday evening, he will share with parents about 1) identifying common venomous and non-venomous snakes in Indonesia 2) first-aid techniques for snake-bites and 3) the best ways to snake-proof your home. It will be a very practical session and he will even have live animals! Please come!
Mr. Thomas, MS Ed.
Christmas Rehearsal
Monday, December 3, 2018
2:45 PM to 3:45 PM – Elementary Students
3:45 PM to 4:30 PM – Secondary Students
Parents Choir Rehearsal
Every Wednesday at 1:30 PM in MPR.
BAIS Christmas Choral Festival
Friday, December 7, 2018 at 5:30 PM.
Battle of the Books
For Sale: Dried Mangoes and Pineapple starting next week!
The Battle of the Books team is selling dried fruit again this year! They are a great snack for yourself or as a gift for friends/family.As an added bonus, buying this fruit also supports the SunRei outreach in Malang!
Check out these delicious options!
- 50gr bags of dried Sunburst mangoes (sweet/sour) for Rp. 20.000 per bag
- 50gr bags of dried Tropical Paradise mangoes (honey mango) for Rp. 20.000 per bag
- 100gr bags of dried pineapples for Rp. 25.000 per bag
Dried fruit will be sold next to Ibu Retno’s desk at break time by the BOB team. Want a LOT of fruit!? Of course you do, it’s delicious!
If you would like to make a bulk order, please email with the list of what you want and it will be prepared for you.
~ Ms. Ribbens & Mrs. Wongkar
SEW T-Shirts Order
Order Online Today:
Athletics & Club News
- Boys Record: 4-2
When asked about this season, Mr. Julian said, “The season so far has gone well. The boys are progressing and it’s been fun watching the younger guys improve. And although we have lost our last two games, I am excited to see how we will bounce back in our game against BIS on Friday.” - Girls Record: 1-1-1
The girls tied the teachers/staff Tuesday (Oct. 2); both SungHa and Miss Hays had three saves. Coach K. observes that the “BAIS girls soccer team has persevered through many challenges this season. Some difficulties include having a smaller team and not having as many games to play. Despite this, the girls have remained unified and focused on preparing for IISSAC by challenging each other to improve. We thank you all for your support and coming out to play us so we can have some games!” - BAIS will play against BIS TODAY, Oct. 5!
Please come out and support your eagles! - The Eagles will host Alexis next Tuesday, Oct. 9th. Games start at 4pm.
- All soccer registration and IISSAC payments are due to Mr. Powers by Oct. 11.
After School Clubs and Activities
- Upcoming Swim Meet Opportunities:
- BAIS Swim Invitational
Date: 20 October
Place: Bandung Alliance Intercultural School
* Timers are needed. Contact Mr. Powers if you are willing to volunteer. - Panitia Pelaksana Rektor Upi Cup 2018
Date: 27-28 October
Place: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia - JIS Dragon Fall Invitational
Date: 26-28 October
Place: Jakarta Independent School
- BAIS Swim Invitational
- Sea Tribes will have a “Fun Run” fundraiser November 24 here in Kota Baru. There will be a 10K, 5K, and 1,500m sprint competition.
All proceeds go to raise money for the Sea Tribes trip in March. Sea Tribes members this year are Kirstie Ko, Beltra Chandean, Chloe Tantowi, Edward Gunarian, and Angelia Tanu. Leaders are Miss Hays with Hani and Amu Ramappa.
Club Highlight of the Week: Elementary Basketball Club
- This season BAIS is able to offer an Elementary Basketball Club because of Pak Hendra’s willingness to lead the club. The club meets every Tuesday from 2:45 to 4:00.
- Members of the Elementary Basketball Club are 5th graders Ethan Hermawan, Dominique Kurniawan, Nathan Darmamulia, Kezia Chandra, Darrel Primandaru, and Jeremy Budijono; 4th graders Lukas Lo, Jane Ji, Gwyneth Lie, Yoyo Huang, and Eliza Stanford; 3rd graders Elliana Davis and Jayden Budijono; and 2nd grader Sean Oh.
- Kezia said that the club is fun and that she joined the club because “my family all plays basketball but I do not know how to play so I wanted to try.” She also said that the club is going well because they have learned many things.
- Dominique said that she joined the club because she likes basketball and that her favorite part is when they get to play games.
- Rachael Stanford, mother of 4th grader Eliza, said she enrolled her daughter in the club because “Eliza has played basketball before and she really enjoys it. We wanted her to continue in her basketball skills.” She said that her family has really enjoyed the elementary basketball program this season.
- Thanks to Pak Hendra Tanuwidjaja for coming to BAIS every week to invest in our elementary basketball program and improve our students’ basketball skills.
Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!
Curriculum News
Bible and Social Studies Committees need parent volunteers!!!
The Bible and Social Studies Committees are looking for parent volunteers to help with reviewing and improving these two programs at BAIS. The Bible committee will meet 3-4 times this year with the goal of finding the strengths and areas of needed improvement in Bible, Chapel, SEW, and WWW. The Social Studies committee will meet once a month using last year’s data to make decisions on how to improve Social Studies for the coming school years. Please contact Mrs. Sianturi if you are interested in volunteering for one of these committees.
Scootpad for Elementary
This year the elementary has adopted a new online program called Scootpad. This is a tool that provides students personalized practice in Language Arts and in Math. In this week’s Friday folders there is an invitation letter showing parents how to login to Scootpad in order to see their child’s progress. Over the next couple of weeks, there will be more information in the BAIS Buzz and in the Friday folders explaining Scootpad and how parents can use this resource to help their student grow and be challenged. Please see your child’s teacher or Mrs. Sianturi if you have specific questions about this new elementary resource.
Charity (LaMertha) Sianturi, Ed.S
Drama Practice Schedule
Wednesday, Oct 10, 4:15 to 6:15 pm in the MPR Scene 2 & 3 Songs – “These Palace Walls” & “Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kasim”
Performers: Jasmine, Rajah, Manal, Isir, Aladdin, Babkak,Omar, and Kassim Crew: Josiah Kim and Angel Gunaman
Attention Juniors!
PSAT/NMSQT is this Wednesday, October 10, 2018. Testing is required for all BAIS Juniors and begins promptly at 7:45AM.
Please be:
- Well rested and have a healthy breakfast before you come to school.
- On time to school.
Ms. Hall
College Counselor
Download this issue as PDF: Issue 09: October 5, 2018