From the Director
While there have been some challenges first quarter, I continue to remain impressed with how parents and teachers are working together in partnership for our students’ best interests. I have noticed from parents and students the growing need for a “light at the end of the tunnel” regarding school and the limited number of holidays during the first semester. Specific communication from parents led me to approach DAC about Friday, October 30 being an official holiday for the school and they were quick to reply with, “Yes, we need a break!” I’m so pleased BAIS was able to facilitate a longer weekend for you all.
Globally, I see and read about increased psychological problems due to Covid-related consequences such as lock-downs and school closings. Although there is limited, peer-reviewed data, it makes sense that mental health is suffering during this season.
It was timely for Ms. Martin, the school counselor, to email our students. The following is her email:
“Good Morning Middle/High Schoolers!
I have already met some of you, and I am looking forward to meeting all of you at some point! I just wanted to send a little note before the long weekend.
I want you to know:
- If you are feeling good: hooray! I am so glad! You have an incredible community around you that is rooting for you!
- If you are feeling overwhelmed: fear not – this is normal! We are going through crazy times, and you are literally experiencing something that history books are going to talk about. When you are 70 years old, you will be telling your grandchildren about that time you survived a worldwide pandemic WHILE attending school and dealing with all the “normal” life stressors. That’s a lot to be dealing with, and it’s OK to be struggling and to reach out for help!
So, if you need to chat, feel free to send me a note. I am here to help you in any ways that I can. If you are not comfortable reaching out to me, find a trusted adult that you do feel comfortable with and talk to them! I know all the BAIS teachers and staff are more than happy to help. We all need someone to talk to and feel safe with during these weird times.
In the meantime, take a deep breath.
Know that we at BAIS love and care about you, and even more than that, our wonderful creator God loves you and created you for a purpose!
Enjoy your 4 day weekend! Don’t forget to drink lots of water, stay active, and have fun!”
Ms. Martin
Please ensure you all – parents included(!) take advantage of the four-day weekend. I pray it is a safe time for all of us and that we may enjoy the opportunity to rest, reflect, and recharge!
Jeremy Thomas, MS. Ed.
Music Department
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” — or sound a lot like Christmas.
Dear BAIS Parents, Staff, and Students,
We need you! This year, the BAIS music department will be hosting a BAIS community-wide virtual Christmas concert, and we need YOU to participate. Many of the students are already working on musical numbers that will be included in the Christmas concert, but it won’t be complete without YOU! Here’s how you can participate.
The BAIS music department and BAIS’s new music teacher Ibu Rina Aritonang is looking for students and parents to participate in the following performance groups:
- The BAIS Mini-Orchestra. — Ibu Rina would like to start a mini-orchestra here at BAIS and needs (at minimum) the following:
- 1 piano
- 3 violins
- 2 cellos
- 2 flutes
- 2 clarinets
If you are interested, regardless of whether your instrument is listed or not, please sign up on the interest form that is linked below. Once Ibu Rina knows what the interest level is, she will contact you with more information about rehearsals.
- The BAIS Dance Ensemble — Ibu Rina would like to incorporate dance into the upcoming Christmas concert and would particularly like to invite the BAIS moms to join this Ensemble. The ensemble is open to students as well. If you are interested in the BAIS Dance Ensemble, please sign up on the interest form where you can also view the two performance options and vote for the performance you would like to be in.
- Teacher/ Staff Choir — BAIS Teachers and Staff, YOU are also wanted! Ibu Rina is putting together a staff choir to sing the “Angels’ Carol”. Rehearsals will be on Monday mornings from 7:10-8:00 in the music room. Please sign up on the interest form and show up to the music room next Monday, Oct 26.
Christmas is an amazing season, so please join us in celebrating this Christmas season, a season that reminds us that God Himself has brought us peace, hope, joy, and love! BAIS Virtual Christmas Concert Interest Form
Drama Practice Schedule
Wednesday, October 28
Scene 11 Part 1: pgs. 66-70
Scene 11 Part 2: pgs. 147-149; (additional scene, see slides 40-45)
- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – Backing Track
- Chitty to the Rescue – Backing Track
- Vulgarian Town Square – Piano and/or Vocal Track
- Vulgarian Town Square Reprise – Piano and/or Vocal Track
@ Mrs. Loewen’s Home @ 4:30 – 5:30 Ezra, Mia, Simeon, Mael, Josh, RyAnne, Ella, Sein, Zachariah, Jace, Kai, — No Groups
@ Home @ 4:30 —ALL GROUPS — 10 minutes working on vocal warm-ups; 15/20 minutes working on all your songs. Please record the final practice of your songs and send them to Mrs. Loewen.