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From the Director’s Desk

Welcome to our parents who, yesterday and today, will attend our Parent-Teacher Conferences. Thank you for taking the time to come see us; we look forward to discussing the progress of your children. Please remember to take an extra 10 minutes to take our annual community survey on the computers outside the office.

As a community, we would like to say one big final “THANK YOU” to Mr. Powers, the IISSAC committee, and the players and coaches for a wonderful tournament last week. It was a well-run event, enjoyed by all. Thank you for being great hosts!

I had the privilege of attending the NICS Fall Directors Conference in Seoul from October 14-18. It was refreshing to be in the cool fall weather of Seoul for a few days, and I was reminded of what a wonderful city it is. The purpose of this year’s conference was for NICS directors to collaborate and discuss the implementation of Standards of Best Practices which defines academic excellence for network schools. I am always grateful to be able to share ideas with and learn from my coworkers across the globe. In addition, it was a time of individual professional development and refreshment for our Network Leaders.

What to expect in November!

Tuition / Re-Enrollment: This month we will be looking to set tuition rates for the 2020-2021 school year and will also be seeking confirmation of your intent to re-enroll for next year. The budget is not finalized, but we may be looking at an approximate 4-5% tuition increase for next year. Please keep your eye out for the new rates, and for the re-enrollment deadline.

PACE Coffee: Please keep an eye out for PACE communication about a November 14th Coffee meeting. I will be in attendance and look forward to giving a few updates and hearing your feedback and ideas from our community. Hope to see you there.

Mr. Karl Nielsen
BAIS Director

For Sale: Dried Mangoes and Pineapple starting next week!

Dear BAIS Community,

For Sale: Dried Mangoes and Pineapple starting next week!

The Battle of the Books team is selling dried fruit again this year! They are a great snack for yourself or as a gift for friends/family. As a bonus, buying this fruit also supports the SunRei outreach in Malang!

Check out these delicious options!

Dried fruit will be sold in the lobby near the senior store during break time by the BOB team.

Want a LOT of fruit!? Of course, you do, it’s delicious! If you would like to make a bulk order, please email kellywongkar@baisedu.org with the list of what you want and it will be prepared for you.

~ Ms. Ribbens & Mrs. Wongkar

WWDWWD – Why We Do What We Do?

PE Waiver

The physical education requirement to graduate is one credit earned in 9-12th grades. All 9th graders take physical education for one semester earning them .5 credits. Where should students earn the other half credit? A great way to do this is by competing in two IISSAC sports and submitting the PE waiver for each. The PE waiver will count toward the other half credit necessary to graduate and frees up student schedules to include more flexibility in elective choices, rather than taking another physical education course as a 10th, 11th, or 12th grader. As IISSAC soccer comes to an end, now is the time to submit waivers. The deadline for waiver submission for this season is November 11.

Eagle Living Opportunity or Earn a reduced-price ticket to BAIS’s production of Cinderella

If you are a 9-12th grader and would like to earn Eagle Living points or if you would like to earn a reduced-price ticket to the upcoming production of Cinderella, you can volunteer your time this Saturday from 2-4 to help paint sets. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Ms. Christensen at bethanychristensen@baisedu.org.

If you cannot volunteer this weekend, we will have other opportunities so please consider volunteering then.

SEW/WWW T-Shirt Order

Thank you for ordering the shirt. If you haven’t do so, you can order it by today (November 1, 2019), https://forms.gle/ouwusQ7JB39KUa4w6. Today is the last day to place or modify the order. Please email amu@baisedu.org if you’d like to modify your order today. There are no more changes after November 1st. All payments for the order are due on November 4th, 2019. You may see Mr. Ramappa, Mr. Whitehurst, or Ibu Srie to make the payment.

SEW/WWW 2019-2020 T-Shirt Mockup

Athletics & Club News


I want to thank everyone who helped make 2019 IISSAC Soccer a success this past weekend. Almost two hundred student athletes from six Indonesian schools competed in 40 games in just three days! I am sincerely grateful to all the staff, parents, and students that volunteered. I want to specifically thank:

IISSAC Baseketball

IISSAC Basketball Tryouts start Monday, Nov. 4.

Cuts will be made as we progress through the week (if necessary). The IISSAC tournament will be Feb. 21-23 at Surabaya.

Once teams are announced, a 2 juta down payment will be required to cover IISSAC costs.

After School Clubs and Activities

Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!

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