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From the Director

Through many recent meetings and communication with parents in the community, I’ve really appreciated the many nuanced perspectives everyone shares. During the current climate, as malls and movie theaters open, there are families with the perspective “we still need to be locked down” and there are families who are more aligned with “the cure cannot be more detrimental than the disease.” Of course, the school cannot cater to every family’s desire but the leadership will always pursue outcomes that are in the best interest of our students. As I work with my team, we strongly consider factors such as learning loss, the psychological and physical consequences of long-term lockdowns, the grief our students are experiencing due to missed opportunities in co-curricular activities and athletics, and the economic consequences for parents required to stay home to supervise online school. Please know the school weighs these factors heavily in our efforts to be granted approval to have students safely back to campus. Please be aware that you may soon be asked to participate in the community’s effort to receive that approval.

The following are some general updates:

Parent-Teacher Conferences – Elementary parents are invited during their scheduled appointments. Secondary parents may follow the rotation schedule so the school can monitor total attendance and ensure we do not have too many parents on campus at the same time. Additionally, if you have multiple students at BAIS, you only need to attend conferences once. You can visit with all your students’ teachers even if it is outside the rotation schedule.

Report Cards – Elementary and Secondary reports cards will be distributed digitally to email addresses on Friday (today) and will be available for pick-up on Monday (11/16). Please remember that secondary report cards will only include the teacher comments. Quarter 1 grades are actually “progress reports” as those grades will change, based on Quarter 2 summative assessment achievement.

Thank you to everyone who joined the Dialogue with Director (DWD) virtually. There were about 35 total live viewers and 80 viewers so far. Please feel free to watch the video, if interested. One important point that I shared in the video is the importance of communication. If you have questions or concerns, please do communicate with your student’s teacher or with the administration.

Lastly, I’m very excited to promote the Parent Self-Care webinar BAIS is offering next week. If you want to learn some new, creative ways to take care of yourself and your family during this season, please register and join. Mr. Whitehurst and Ms. Martin have some great ideas to share!

Fully alive,
Jeremy J. Thomas, MS.Ed.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Secondary Students

In order to minimize the number of parents on campus at one time during Secondary Parent-Teacher Conferences, please see the schedule below. For convenience, if you have multiple students, you may meet outside these time slots. Teachers are excited to see you!

Thursday, November 19, 2020 from 3:00PM to 7:00PM:

Friday, November 20, 2020 from 8:00AM to 12:00PM:

On Thursday, secondary teachers will have 9th period (Extended Day) classes as normally scheduled. The following teachers might not be available until 3:30:

Elementary Students

If you would like to meet with a specials teacher (Art, Library, Music, P.E.), please find them in their offices/classrooms. They will be available for drop-in meetings as needed.

From the Elementary Principal

We want your children to excel in basic skills! Parents, please be sure to help your kids practice daily, repeated tasks such as:

While these activities may seem mundane, they provide an important foundation for your child’s advancement toward the next grade. Lastly, turning in completed work is also an important skill to be learned. Great habits make for classroom success. Thanks for your great support!

Report Cards

Drama Rehearsal Schedule

When: Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Where: BAIS MPR and Music Room

What: Scene 3

Lights/Sound – Angel, Sherin, Kadin
Cast – Bethany, Ollie, Jinny, Eliza, Kezia, Sandor, Ezra, Mia, Simeon, Samantha, Kathlyn, Karen, Emily, Melissa, Clarine, Audy, Laras

If you are working from home this week, please choose 2 songs from your list to work on. Spend at least 40 minutes working on them and then send the recording to Mrs. Loewen.

From the Guidance Counselor

I am happy to announce a huge improvement in your college planning experience. Beginning this month, we will use an amazing new data-driven platform called Cialfo. You may recognize the name, Cialfo, from the virtual university fair last month. Here is the link to our account: baisedu.cialfo.co/signin

We chose the Cialfo platform because it is a great platform to keep the college planning experience smooth and clear, while at the same time being personalized, comprehensive, and data-driven.

Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll be introducing you to the platform and taking you through the key parts for students as we meet in the next few weeks. I believe you’ll enjoy using it! A few features you can look forward to:

Students, you have already received an email with your account details, so go ahead and explore your account so you get familiar as soon as possible. We hope this takes some of the stress away from career exploration and application prep!

Upcoming Virtual Events

Canada, Japan, and The Netherlands all have upcoming university fairs. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn more about your options.

Check the doc weekly to see any new events and updates. *Newly added events are in blue.

Melissa Hall
Guidance Counselor

I Love to Read Month

I Love to Read Month will be extended through Nov.23-25 because of the Parent teacher conference.

On the last day of I Love to Read we will host an I Love to Read Zoom Party at 8am on Nov.25th.
(Zoom will open at 7:40 so you can make sure you are ready).

Please make sure that you use your real name because we can’t let you in if we don’t know who you are. This will also be a Storybook Day, so dress up as your favorite characters. We will do more fun activities as we end I Love to Read Month! Contact Ms.Ribbens with questions: 082154252142

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