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From the Facilities Manager

Have you ever wondered how we keep our facilities looking so nice and clean each day, or how we keep our school grounds looking good and green, or how we keep our swimming pool clean and ready to be used?

Our BAIS campus sits on about 30,350 m2 of land. This includes a 4,000 m2 soccer field, 2,025 m2 of two-stories classroom building, 2,000 m2 swimming pool & locker area, 1,000 m2 of playgrounds, a 570 m2 sports hall, and about 7,942 m2 of empty land.

Our two-story school building itself consists of forty-five rooms/offices with a total of 4050m2 of floor tiles to clean and mop every day, and 166 students’ desks that must be cleaned and wiped daily. The building also includes over 500 light bulbs, and seventy-five air conditioner units that must be maintained regularly. Our facilities are manned by a three person cleaning crew that works from midnight to 8am and one cleaning staff that works from 7am until 3.45 pm, eleven security that work in three shifts 24/7, three landscaping/maintenance staff, two pool staff, and one soccer pitch crew.

Some of our staff reside in the surrounding area in Kota Baru Parahyangan and others live up to one and a half hours’ drive from here. They all work very diligently to make sure our school building and facilities look pristine for our daily usage.

This picture was taken in 2018. (A few staff are no longer part of this team.)

We have a group of skillful staff. Most of them have gone through the required training at BAIS like CPR and Child Protection Training, which we try to refresh every cycle year. Every six months, we send our security to get trained in areas pertaining to safety & response, including topics like fire protection training, first aid, bomb threats, etc.

Keep praying for our staff for protection against sickness and travel mercies when they commute to work every day.

To our students, please put the trash in the trash can, take your lunch box to its designated area and always lock your locker as this will alleviate the daily workload of our staff!

Chevy Hallatu, ST, M.M.
HR & Facilities Manager

Schedule Change

Monday, November 18, 2019 will be a LATE START Schedule – no Extended Day.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 will NOT be a LATE START. It will be a normal school day and will have Extended Day.

This change is due to required activities related to Indonesian Accreditation.

WWDWWD – Why We Do What We Do?

PACE Fundraising

Once or twice a year, PACE hosts a community gathering that involves some type of fundraiser. The goal of the gathering is to bring the community together in both work and celebration. The funds that are raised then go toward a project of the parent’s choosing that will benefit the school. The best thing about these fundraisers is that parents often will come up with a project idea that the school wouldn’t have considered previously. Our most recent PACE project for the school was the new set of swings on the playground. These swings are available for both elementary and secondary students and allow for more students to enjoy their time on the playground.

Thank you PACE for all you do to make our school a better place for everyone!

Open House

Hi Community,

We are excited to be hosting an open house this Saturday, November 16. Please come and join for a fun day of meeting new perspective parents, learning about American education with Mr. Thomas, and watching a soccer match. Hope to see you all there!


Hani Ramappa
Public Relations

College Acceptance

Congratulations to Emily Nielsen!

Emily has been accepted to Gordon College. Make sure to congratulate her when you see her around campus.

Also, please be praying for the other students in the senior class as they are in the process of applying or

Drama Practice

Monday, Nov 18th in the MPR from 4:15 to 6:15 pm

Elementary Face the Facts!

Each year elementary students in grades 1-5 have an opportunity to participate in our two bi-annual ‘Face the Facts’ competitions! Students compete to answer math facts fastest and most accurately.

Lower Elementary facts: addition and subtraction to 20s (10s)

Upper Elementary facts: multiplication and division to 144 (12s)

The finals will be on Thursday, Dec. 19th at 10:35am in the MPR. Parents are invited to watch and to compete in the teacher/parent round!

We will send home permission slips in a few weeks, but students, you can start practicing now!

Questions? ClarissaRibbens@baisedu.org

Health Buzz

Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen several students with low grade fevers and stomach problems. As per the parent student handbook page 7 (contagious diseases), students will be sent home if any of the symptoms/diseases listed are present and these symptoms must be absent from the child for at least 24 hours before returning to school. The purpose of this policy is to not to spread the illness to the other students.

Please check your child(ren) daily for any fever before they leave for school. Please help prevent illness from spreading by reminding your students to cover their mouth when they cough and to wash their hands or use antiseptic gel frequently. Students need at least 8 hours of sleep nightly and should eat well balanced meals with fresh fruits and vegetables. Don’t forget to take your multivitamin daily.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Athletics & Club News

IISSAC Basketball

The 2019 IISSAC Boys’ Team includes the following players:
Rio Primandaru, GyeongMin Kwon, Jason Sastra, Ezra Thomas, Ollie Gunthorpe, Clifford Setiabudi, Julio Alvi, Sandor Beintema, Jake Lee, Fred Yurianto, SangYun Nam, SeongHwa Park, and Kai Thomas.

Mr. Thomas has been coaching off-and-on since 2007. He is starting his forth season with BAIS and will be teaming up with Bruce Walker again. Mr. Thomas says, “From the IISSAC cross country and recent soccer championship, there is a lot of momentum for many of the boy’s basketball players to continue the winning streak. It takes time to learn to be a champion and this cohort of boys from 8th – 12th grade will be ready in
February to compete for another prize in Surabaya. Last year’s team verse was Romans 5 and how suffering leads to perseverance, perseverance to character, and from character, the hope we have in Jesus Christ. This year’s team verse is from 1st Corinthians 9:24-27. We will run in such a way to win the prize. We will be disciplined. We will strictly train for a temporal prize that will bring some happiness resting and knowing that we already are recipients of a crown of glory that will last forever. From that truth, the boys can play with freedom, joy, and discipline in the hopes for success and growth this year on the basketball court and spiritually.”

BAIS had their season opener last night! Thanks to all the teachers and community members that participated.

Boys: 34 – 42

Stats: Ezra scored 16 Points, 14 Defensive Rebounds, 4 Offensive Rebounds, 4 Blocks, 2 Assists, 1 Steal; Jake 8Pts., 2DR, 2A, 3 S; Fred 4Pts., Jason 3Pts., 1 DR, 1 S; GyeongMin 2 Pts., 1 OR, 1 DR; Clifford 1Pt., 1 DR, 2 A; Rio 1OR, 2 S; Sandor 1 DR, 1 S

BAIS Adults: Paul Walker 13 Pts., 4 OR, 3 DR, 2 A, 2 S; Travis Julian 9Pts., 2 DR, 1 OR, 1 S; Jason Whitehurst 8 Pts., 2 OR, 1 A, 3 S; Bruce Walker 4Pts, 2 DR; Mark Pedroza 4 Pts, 1 OR, 2 S; Pak Hendra 4Pts; Justin Stanford 3 DR, 1 OR, 1 Block, 1 A; Jeremy Thomas 2 DR, 2 A.

Pts: Points Scored // DR: Defensive Rebound // OR: Offensive Rebound // B: Block // A: Assist // S: Steal

Girls: 31 – 12

Stats: Emily scored 10 Points, 6 Offensive Rebounds, 3 Defensive Rebounds; Rachel 2Pts., 3 DR, 1 OR, 2 S; Beltra 1 OR, 3 S; Sherin 1 DR, 1 S; Mia 1 DR, 1 S; JuEun 1 OR, 1 S; Petra 1 DR, 1 S; HaYeon 1 OR; Jinny 1 S; Luana 1 DR.

This season is Ms. Hays’ third year coaching at BAIS. She said, “We were very proud of how the girls played last night! They had to face experienced and competitive adults after only having three practices. The girls fought hard and applied what they have learned so far and we are looking forward to see how they improve as the season goes on.”

BAIS Adults: Bethany Christensen 9 Pts.; 1 OR; Ibu Dias 8Pts., 1 OR, 1 A; Emma Yu 4Pts, 1 S; Jamie Fulwood 3Pts, 4 OR; Jenn Straznicky 2 Pts, 6 OR, 2 DR; Kelsey Nainggolan 2Pts, 1 A; Dr. Mayke, Rachael Stanford, and Ms. S. 1 OR; Kate Gasson 1 S.

The week of Nov. 18-22 girls will practice from 3:45-5:45; Boys will practice from 4:30-6:00. BAIS vs. CBCS -Tuesday, Nov. 19. Boys start at 4pm; Girls follow. BAIS @ BIS -Friday, Nov. 22. Boys start at 4pm; Girls follow.

The IISSAC tournament will be Feb. 21-23 at Surabaya. A 2juta down payment is due Nov. 22 to cover IISSAC costs.

After School Clubs and Activities

Adjusted Activities Schedule

Congratulations, Raphael Kurniawan competed in the JIS Fall Invitational Swim Meet earlier this month (Nov. 1-3). He swam very well and won five medals in total: 1st place-1 medal, 2nd place-2 medals, and 3rd place-2 medals.

There is a Young Tigers Invitational Saturday, Nov. 16.
All elementary students are invited to join. The invitational is free for students in Young Tigers and 50.000Rp for others.

Season Two After School Clubs/Activities will start Nov. 18 and last until Feb. 21. There will be no clubs Nov. 25-29; Dec. 19-Jan. 10. Because of this coming week’s irregular schedule, below is an explanation of Monday and Wednesday’s club changes. Please contact the athletic department with any questions.

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday & Friday
No IISSAC Basketball
Elem. Drama Eagles (2:45-3:30)
Cinderella Drama (4-6pm)
Regular Clubs/Times:
– Karjono Swim
– Henry Swim
– Yoga with Ibu Mega
Regular ScheduleNo Drama
No Sec. Badminton
IISSAC Basketball
Elem. Homework Club -Stanford (2:45-3:30)
ENDURANCE (Elem.: 2:45-3:30; Sec.: 3:45-4:45)
MS Science (3:35-4:20)
Regular Clubs/Times:
– Elementary Badminton
– Young Tigers
– Henry Swim
Regular Schedule

BAIS will host a Swim Invitational on Saturday, November 23.
Register for the meet at https://swim.baisedu.org/swim-meet/2019

We are looking for people interested in helping the Battle of the Books kids by participating in a friendly ‘Community vs. Student battle! Any adult in the community is welcome to join! This will be Dec. 3, from 3:45-4:45. If you would have read even one of the following books and are willing to give about an hour of your time to participate in a fun trivia game, then you qualify!

We would be very grateful for your participation, as it will help our kids prepare to compete against MountainView in the final battle in January!
Please let Ms. Ribbens know if you’d like to join and I’ll send you a calendar invite! Thanks in advance!

Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!

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