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From the Elementary Principal

Parents and teachers alike are bracing themselves for their students to experience certain degrees of learning loss or delay as schooling routines have been interrupted (in some cases halted) due to the worldwide pandemic. But, what truly is the root cause of this forecasted dip in learning? How can you, as parents, prepare your children for this seemingly inevitable stage in their learning careers? According to research published by McAcffrey, et.al., (2003) “the most important school-based factor in student achievement is teacher quality.” Though we were forced to adjust our program to an online format, the quality of instruction delivered by our teachers remained strong.

Speaking specifically of our elementary program, our instructors are of the highest caliber and are qualified to teach your children well. At BAIS, we understand that strong core instruction, taught at an appropriate pace and level, is of utmost importance. By choosing to have your children enrolled in our BAIS elementary program, you are providing an invaluable experience for them to learn at a high level through native English instruction.

The pandemic has caused much alarm for learning loss/delay, but we believe that through the instruction of our high quality teachers at BAIS, your children are better prepared than they would be elsewhere. Through the student/teacher relationships that have been fostered and solidified through our distance learning program in semester one, we are excited to see students successfully reintegrate into face-to-face learning in January (pending final approval). At BAIS, we firmly believe your children will beat the odds and continue to excel amid global concerns of learning loss.


Neil Cantrall M.Ed
Elementary Principal

New Student Scholarship

Dear Parents and Friends,

As one of the marketing initiatives to bring more interest in our school, we are excited to announce a new scholarship opportunity for incoming students. These students have to follow the guidelines and meet the criteria stated in the scholarship form. In addition, we also have Finder’s Fee initiatives for families or individuals who bring new students to BAIS. For more information about these programs, feel free to contact us at admissions@baisedu.org or WA +62221012247

Thank you,
Hani Ramappa

Drama Rehearsal Schedule

Please see the form sent out via email for parent consent to the on-campus drama rehearsal for Dec 9. Below is the information for the rehearsal.

Who: (If your name is not listed you will be working at home) Eliza, Kezia, Ollie, Jinny, Mael, Josh, Jace, Ezra, Kai, Mia, Simeon, Bethany, Sandor, Samantha, Kathlyn, Karen, Emily, Melissa, Clarine, Audy, Laras and RyAnne

What: Choreography will be working on Toot Sweets and the Blocking/Music time will be all of Scene 1-5

When: Wednesday, Dec 9 SPECIAL TIME 10:00-12:00 – Choreography only; 1:00-3:00 – Blocking and music

Where: MPR/Music Room or at home

AT HOME: Please choose 2 songs from your specific list and work on them for at least 30 minutes. Once you have practiced, send Mrs. Loewen the audio recording.

Finance News

Second Semester Payment

Hello Parents,

We want to take this opportunity to remind you that the second semester payment is due on or before Friday, January 8, 2021. Additionally, the payment options that BAIS allows here in Indonesia are as follows:

For Indonesian Rupiah cash payments, please pay directly to the BAIS Finance Office during office hours. BAIS accepts cash payments between 7:45 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Our finance offices will be closed from December 21, 2020 to January 7, 2021 for the Christmas Holidays.

For bank transfers, please pay directly to the BAIS bank account with full detailed information regarding the student’s name and grade in the information section of the bank form. The bank account information is as follows:

Please note that BAIS does not accept giros, checks, or ATM transfers as a payment method. If you have any questions, please contact the Finance team at finance@baisedu.org. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Angel Tree

The Build to Give club is helping organize the Angel Tree for Permata Bali Children’s Home! BAIS has a longstanding relationship with this ministry– for many years Mr. and Mrs. Paese facilitated our gift-giving and even though they’ve left BAIS, we have continued to share our blessings with the children, youth, and workers at Bali Permata every year at Christmas. This year, our club, “Build to Give,” will take care of this event. There are 27 children/youth and 13 staff/workers for whom we’d like to buy Christmas presents! Can you help?

This is a link to a Google Slides Presentation full of the information about the children/youth and staff workers: Angel Gift Tree – Build To Give

We also have 14 children (5 girls, 9 boys) in kindergarten, the TK Pelita Hati, which we would like to provide goody bags for. We need monetary donations by Friday, December 11th, so we can ship the gifts to Bali in time for Christmas! If you are willing to support this endeavor, please fill out this form. Once you have filled out the form, we will contact you with the details. Thank you!

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Squiers (erinsquiers@baisedu.org), Sherin Chong (sherinchong@baisedu.org), or Melissa Budijono (melissabudijono@baisedu.org).

Battle of the Books

If you are interested in participating in Battle of the Books, please email Ms. Ribbens at ClarissaRibbens@baisedu.org and start reading any of these books! You can check-out BOB books from the BAIS library.

Dragon’s Gate
Yep, Laurence

John from the Bible

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Jules Verne (unabridged)

The Breadwinner
Ellis, Deborah

Lawhead, Stephen R

Jacques, Brian

Caddie Woodlawn
Carol Ryrie Brink

The Endless Steppe
Hautzig, Esther

Brandon Sanderson

Peace Child
Don Richardson


2021-2022 Reenrollment Notification

Please complete this form and return it with appropriate fees to the BAIS office on or before Friday, January 29, 2021. Your child’s reenrollment for the 2021-2022 school year is secure when this form and the accompanying payment are received. Payment can be made by bank transfer or cash to the finance office.

Please note after January 29, 2021 your child’s seat in class is no longer guaranteed. The 10,000,000 IDR non-refundable reenrollment deposit will be applied towards the student’s fall 2021 tuition. After January 29, 2021, 7,000,000 IDR of the 10,000,000 IDR deposit will be applied towards the student’s fall 2021 tuition.

We appreciate your support! If you have any questions, please email finance@baisedu.org or stop by the office at any time. The reenrollment form can be submitted online using this link.

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