From the BAIS Director’s Desk
Welcome back to BAIS! After a wonderful and timely rest for all of our school community, I know I speak for our entire team here when I say that we are so grateful to have all of our students and parents back. It is a joy to see our campus teeming with people again!
As we turn the page to a new calendar year, we look towards a new recruiting year as well. As mentioned last month, we know what our recruiting needs are for next year. Below is a list of the open positions:
- Grade 2 Teacher
- K-12 Computer Teacher
- Secondary Science/Math
- ELD Teacher
We are in the process of recruitment for a few of these open positions, and we actually have hired one position all ready. I am pleased to announce that our Art Teacher position has already been filled. Those of you who have been here for 5 years or more will remember Bethany Christensen. She was the K-12 Art Teacher before she moved back to the USA for a few years. We are excited that she will be returning to serve at BAIS again.
Additionally, as we are entering a re-enrollment time for our current students, I ask you to consider looking around your workplace, church, and/or any other area where you think there are students who would be a good fit for BAIS. Please tell them about the work God is doing here at BAIS and encourage them to visit our school. And stay tuned….. we are working on a special reward for those who refer friends and family to enroll in BAIS. More details to come!
As always we continue to give thanks for the teachers and the students the Lord has provided over the years. We are looking forward to see what He has in store for us next year. Please keep the recruitment of both teachers and students in your prayers!
In Him,
Mr. Karl Nielsen
BAIS Director
Congratulations to Tivara Tanudjaja!
She has been accepted to Emerson College and the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in the United States. In Australia, she has been accepted to Melbourne University, Sydney University, and University of New South Wales.
Please keep praying for our seniors as they are working through the application process. A number of students are currently waiting to hear back from schools.
Week Without Walls
Dear Students & Parents,
Week Without Walls (WWW) is coming up in March! WWW is a time when all BAIS students serve the community and the Lord. It’s an exciting event! We want to ask our students, parents, and the community for suggestions. Do you have an idea for a service project which BAIS students could participate in? Are you connected to an outreach or project which BAIS could help? We want to know! We are looking for any and all ideas of service projects! You won’t be expected to help with any project you suggest, so please just send any ideas you have! We need projects for elementary groups, middle school groups, and high school groups.
Also, if you would like to contribute in any other way (food donations, supplies, etc), please let us know as well.
Please email ideas to Jason Whitehurst <>
Thanks on behalf of the WWW committee and BAIS students!
Mr. Jason Whitehurst
BAIS Chaplain
Permata Bali Angel Tree
A big thank you is in order for the students and families who participated in the Permata Bali Angel Tree program before Christmas! It was a success! Ibu Tina from the orphanage said thank-you and blessings to you who contributed gifts and donations, and they sent this picture.
Thank you– you have made it possible for the BAIS community to continue supporting Permata Bali at Christmas! May God bless you for being a blessing!
Download the PDF version here: Issue 20: 12 January, 2018 – English