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From the Athletic Director

BAIS Family,

“To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”


My grandmother quoted lines of Shakespeare to my sister and I when we were young. Honestly, at the time I rarely understood the context or meaning behind her sporadic monologues. Now I am looking forward at my to-do list and the line ‘and it must follow, as the night the day’ sprang from the hollow caverns of my brain to the forefront of my memory. Seasons change, time marches on. February 23rd marks the end of this year’s basketball season and the second trimester of after school clubs/activities. And as the night follows the day, season three is right around the corner. I am habitually humbled and impressed by BAIS parents, students, teachers, and staff that invest so much time and energy into the lives of our students and community. Thank you for your continued involvement in and dedication to our school. I recognize that we have been able to offer many different after school activities because of our parents’ willingness to volunteer and make connections to outside club sponsors. A special thanks to those that have offered to lead new clubs, volunteer at school events, play in staff games, or have come out to cheer as fans.

On Thursday our basketball teams will leave for Surabaya for this year’s IISSAC basketball tournament. Our boys got second place in the local Bandung Activities Conference (BAC). We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of both our IISSAC teams. BAIS is an amazing family to have been adopted into. I appreciate the opportunity we have to go to Surabaya and represent ourselves, our school, our community, and God. I am grateful that our students continually do an admirable job at representing who and what BAIS is. If you see a BAIS basketball player this week, please encourage them and ask about their season. Our hope is that the students at BAIS not only receive a quality education but are also provided with a loving, supportive community where they can participate in a variety of new and exciting activities. Our students are impressive young men and women. My prayer for them is that they seek to be their true self while they are in the safe of BAIS. Our seniors will graduate at the end of this third season (of sports/clubs). I know the transition into life post-high school will be difficult and scary and rewarding… a tsunami of new emotions and experiences are inevitable. My prayer is that their time at BAIS helps them know their true identity as a son or daughter of God and they live a life false to no man.

Thank you for being a part of our BAIS family and all you do to contribute to its success.

Mr. Justin Powers

Concert is TODAY!!!

School Clinic Info

This week and last we have seen several students with upper respiratory symptoms and fevers. As per the parent student handbook, students will be sent home if any of the symptoms/diseases listed are present (“determining Illness” and “sending a student home”). Check your child(ren) daily for any fever before they leave for school. Please take the following actions to protect yourself and others:

  1. Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
  2. Wear a mask if you have a cough or runny nose.
  3. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
  4. Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.
  6. Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs like the flu.

Together we can stop spreading the germs!

Thank you,
Dr. Mayke Rosalina
School Doctor

Athletics & Club News

IISSAC Basketball

After School Clubs and Activities

Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!

BAIS Drama News

Cinderella tickets sales begin Monday, Feb 17.You may buy your tickets from Ibu Mega at the BAIS reception desk. There are only 114 seats available for each performance. Please make a special note that Friday, March 13 is a matinee performance at 3:30 in the afternoon. This would be a great performance for families with elementary-age children. We strongly encourage our audience members to wear their favorite Disney character costumes. We will have an extended time for pictures with the actors after the Friday matinee performance.

Drama Announcement

Saturday, Feb 15 Drama Practice from 1-5 in the MPR.

The next Saturday rehearsal will be Feb 29 from 9 AM to 5 PM.

BAIS Drama Show Patronage

House Circle – Rp 5 juta

Director’s Circle – Rp 2.5 juta

Lead Actor – Rp 1 juta

Supporting Actor – Rp 500,000

If you have further questions please email me at elizabethlamertha@baisedu.org or Hani Ramappa at hani@baisedu.org or WA +62 812 1448 1338

School Counselor News

Congratulations to Annaline Nugraha & Rio Primandaru!

Annaline has been accepted to Savannah College of Art and Design in the United States.

Rio has been accepted to Dordt University in the United States.

Make sure to congratulate them when you see them around campus. Also, please be praying for the other students in the senior class as they are in the process of applying or are waiting for the decisions to be announced.

Summer Program for High School Students

Throughout the school year, we receive information about summer programs at universities around the world. We have combined it into one document for quick access and would like to pass that information along for you and your student to look into. Please be aware that some due dates are coming up quickly.

Check out this link for a list of summer programs.

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