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From the Administration Team

At BAIS, your child’s safety and education are our highest priorities. COVID has proven to be a difficult challenge as it has threatened both the health and safety of our children while also disrupting their education. As a leadership team, our desire has always been to try to find the balance between safety and what we know is best for our children’s education.

In light of the recent wave of Omicron cases and new guidelines being passed down from the Health Department, the leadership team at BAIS has been updating our COVID-19 protocols. We praise God that despite having several cases on campus, there seems to have been little spread of the virus at school – in fact out of the hundred or so close contacts that were identified under our previous protocols, only two additional students outside of family clusters tested positive. For both of these, it was questionable if transmission actually occurred on campus.

So, we thank God for his merciful protection and we thank you all for your vigilance and cooperation. It is therefore our desire to more narrowly define and identify close contacts and minimize disruptions to learning.

What do these changes look like?

What will we continue to do?

Here is a visual representation (PDF) of the above protocols:

WWW News

For WWW, we have the opportunity to show Christ’s heart by loving on Yayasan Sinar Fajar Indonesia Rumah Pengharapan Baru. The New Hope House orphanage in Lembang serves babies up to teens. We are inviting our BAIS family to encourage this ministry by supplying the following items:

You can drop these items off when you pick up and/or drop-off kids or learning supplies! This will be available March 7-15th!!! We can’t wait to encourage and bless this orphanage!

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ!

Congratulations to Maelgywn Hallatu, Sangyun Nam & Michella Felice!

Maelgwyn has been accepted to:

Sangyun has been accepted to the following schools in the United States of America:

Michella has been accepted to Raffles Milano Istituto Moda e Design in Italy.

When you see them around campus or the Google meet – make sure to give them a covid-high-five. Please be praying for the rest of the 12 grade class as they are either working or on waiting for responses to applications.

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