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WWW Serve-A-Thon 2021

Years ago I had the opportunity to take my nephew on a camping trip. We had a blast but at night it would get very cold and very dark. We would hear animals making noises outside and the wind would make a whistling sound on the top of our tent. One night my nephew who was only 8-9 years old said to me, “Uncle Jason, could you turn off the dark?” I always thought this was a funny way to ask me to turn on the flashlight.

There is no doubt that COVID has presented a dark time for many people in our world. The families at Rumah Cinta Ambu and the Oma’s and Opa’s at Panti Jompo Senjarawi have felt this darkness more than most. They have been in total isolation because of compromised immune systems and in many cases have been separated from their families for a year now.

David said in Psalm 112:4 that, “Light shines in the darkness for the godly. They are generous, compassionate, and righteous.” I believe that the students of BAIS did thisduring this year’s WWW Serve-A-Thon. They turned some of the darkness off in the lives of people at Rumah Cinta and Panti Jompo Senjarawi.

Because of your generosity and the hard work of your children we saw 95 students raise over 60 juta. This will have a huge impact in the lives of these organizations. In fact Rumah Cinta is using the money to help them purchase a new ambulance to transport children to the hospital. WOW!

Thank you BAIS students and parents for being real difference makers!

Fully Alive in Christ,
Mr. Whitehurst
BAIS Chaplain

Drama Announcement

There will be no drama practice for the next TWO weeks!

Our next practice will be Wednesday, April 7. This will be FULL CAST including elementary!

Elementary, on April 7 we will be doing headshots (photos) with you. Please wear a plain dark-colored shirt with no pictures, patterns, or words on it, look nice, and bring a hairbrush to fix your hair before your photo.

Attention AP Students and Parents

This year, College Board has made a number of changes to the formatting and scheduling of AP Exams. Teachers have been communicating with students in class about these changes, but to help parents and students be able to make the best decisions about when to take their exams, we have sent you an email with a short recording of Mr. Julian explaining:

Again the hope is that this information will help you as parents along with your son or daughter make the best possible decision for when they should take their exam. If you have further questions or have not received the email, please contact Mr. Julian (travisjulian@basiedu.org) or Mr. Thomas (jeremythomas@baisedu.org).

Thank you and let us know if we can support you in these decisions in any other way.

Updates from the Guidance Counselor

Congratulations to Clifford Setiabudi!

Clifford has been accepted to Asbury University and Biola University, both schools are in the United States.

Make sure to congratulate him when you see them around… your Google Meet.

Upcoming Online University Fair

Check out this list of schools!

Secondary Student led Conferences

Secondary student-led conferences will be on April 8 from 3:00pm-7:00pm and April 9 from 8:00am-12:00pm. As a family, you may choose what time to complete the student-led conferences and where you would like to have them. While the school highly recommends coming on campus, it is not a requirement. You may complete the conference with your student in the comfort of your own home. More details will come regarding meetings with specific teachers after Spring Break.

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