From the School Leadership Team
Dear BAIS Community,
As of late, many current and prospective families have asked a very similar and important question: “Will BAIS reopen for face-to-face learning in August?”
As we plan for the 2021-2022 school year, we continue to monitor the latest communications from the Indonesian government, the department of education’s designated division supervisors, and the local health authorities. We have purposely not released an official opening plan for our community yet, as we are waiting for the next official communications before finalizing and sharing our 2021-2022 opening procedures.
Here is what we currently know:
- Our goal as a school has always been to serve our students in the best way possible, which we believe is through in-person, live instruction. We will work towards providing this in a way that fully complies with health and safety guidelines passed down from both global and Indonesian health authorities.
- BAIS has had the privilege of offering hybrid, in-person learning for all of our students in unique and beneficial ways this semester. Weekly swab testing for our staff members and rigorous health protocols have allowed us to do this well. At the very minimum, if regulations were to remain in the current strict state, we would continue with a similar model, with more regularity and alignment of schedules for elementary and secondary.
- Guidelines for reopening have been set for schools in Indonesia, but we have been told there will be a new, updated communication from the government coming in the next week or so.
- Learning options for families who will choose to have their children remain at home will be available and offered
- Our COVID transition team is working hard to be able to provide clear procedures, plans, and expectations for our BAIS community regarding the next school year’s opening.
- New quarantine regulations for persons entering Indonesia from abroad are being enacted and finalized. These new guidelines may involve an initial 14-day hotel quarantine (as opposed to 5) in Jakarta. BAIS is aware that this will directly affect our teachers, as well as many of our families. We will have more information on how this recent and potential change in requirements may affect the August 9 “Back to School Kickoff” date and August 11 “First Day of School.”
Thank you for your continued support. More updates will come as we learn more.
BAIS Administration Team
Library Info
All library materials must be returned by June 4. Starting May 31 the library will not allow any check out until July 1st. The library will be closed for the summer starting June 21 and will open for in library use only starting on June 28 until July 9. During this week, we will be doing inventory so there will be no check out during this time. Normal check out time will start on July 12.
To summarize, here’s how our timeline looks during the summer:
Dates | Activities |
June 4 | All library materials need to be returned. |
May 31 – June 11 | No check out allowed for parents and students (unless the material is still needed for class) |
June 21 – 25 | Library is Closed |
June 28 – July 9 | Inventory: Library open for in library use only Normal library hours from 07:00AM -3:45PM (No check outs allowed) |
July 12 – Start of new school year | Normal library hours from 07:00AM -3:45PM (Check outs allowed) |
Please log on to to find information about books that you may have checked out using the following credentials. If you need help with your log in information, don’t hesitate to contact the librarians at or
username: your first and last name (e.g. johnratukado) all lower case.
password: library
Drama Team News
We are very excited to announce our Movie Premier of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! This will be an outdoor event held on June 5. A red carpet event to celebrate our incredible cast and crew will happen at 5:30pm. Doors open at 5:00pm; the movie will start ~6:00PM once it is dark. Tickets will be sold for a “pod” on the green for Rp400.000 for up to 4 people. If you have more than 4 people in your “pod” an additional Rp100.000/person up to 6 people max. Tickets can be purchased with cash only. You can pay Mrs. Loewen and reserve your “pod” at the same time.
Grade 5 Move Up-Day
Our awesome 5th grade students are almost done with elementary school! After their regular morning classes on Thursday, June 3rd they are invited to participate in what we call “5th grade move up day.” This will take place from 12:00 to 2:45. In a typical school year, this looks a little different. This year, we still desire to give our 5th grade students the opportunity to experience a day in the life of a BAIS 6th grader, but only during the afternoon on a Thursday, when there won’t be too many 6th graders on campus! All social distancing, sanitization, and safety protocols currently in place will be carefully observed.